Upcoming Concerts

23.09.24 - inn.wien x Drehwerk, Kosmos Theater Bregenz
24.09.24 - inn.wien x Drehwerk, Treibhaus Innsbruck
25.09.24 - inn.wien x Drehwerk, Stadtbühne Imst
26.09.24 - inn.wien x Drehwerk, Porgy & Bess Wien
01.10.24 - Bässe, Bässe, Bässe, Porgy & Bess Wien
07.10.24 - Lunovi Quartett, Bühne Purkersdorf
15.10.24 - AR Project, Treibhaus Innsbruck
18.10.24 - Pia Denz Oktett, Porgy & Bess Wien
19.10.24 - Lunovi Quartett, Böheimkirchen
22.10.24 - AR Project, Porgy & Bess Wien


Anna Reisigl (BA BA) is a bassist and composer living in Vienna.Born on October 13, 1997, Reisigl's diverse studies in classical and jazz music lead her to the Tiroler Landeskonservatorium, the Anton Bruckner Privat Universität Linz and the Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität Wien - to teachers such as Robert Riegler, Helmut Schönleitner, Walter Rumer, Peter Herbert and Ulrich Langthaler.Since 2016, she has been co-founder/bassist/composer of the jazz trio Drehwerk, which has released two albums to date, successfully performs on a national level and will collaborate on a project basis with the string ensemble inn.wien in April 2023.In 2021 Reisigl founded her solo project AR Project, which released its debut album Close Bye (Session Work Records) in 2023 and toured in Austria for the first time (Radiokulturhaus Vienna, Porgy & Bess Vienna, Treibhaus Innsbruck, Alter Schlachhof Wels, tube's Graz, etc.). AR Project wins the TAT "Album of The Year" and the "Joe Zawinul Price" 2023.In addition to other projects, for example the Tom Joseph Trio, Pia Denz Oktett, The Flipside Collective, Lunovi Quartett and various big bands, she performed as a bass soloist in the course of the Marianne Mendt Festival in 2018. In addition, Reisigl looks back on collaborations with Yvonne Moriel, Andreas Tausch, Yasmin Hafedh, Christian Kronreif, Christian Spitzenstätter, Lukas Aichinger, etc. Reisigl is a member of the working group at minciospace_ since October 2023, a cultural center in Vienna.Reisigl received the Tyrolean Young Jazz Award from the TonartTirol association in 2019. From October 2024 teaches Reisigl at Oberösterreichisches Musikschulwerk (Steyr, Perg).

Anna Reisigl Project
inn.wien x Drehwerk
Lunovi Quartett
The Flipside Collective
no string quartet




E-Mail: anna.reisigl@outlook.com
Phone: +43 660 55 04 117

@ Anna Reisigl. all rights reserved.